Maquette for One, Two, Three

"Color, surface, texture, and shape only emphasize the physical aspects of the work. Anything that calls attention to and interests the viewer in the physicality is a deterrent to our understanding of the idea." Sol LeWitt, Christian Science Monitor, August 1978
Sol LeWitt created the sculpture One, Two, Three as a commission for the General Services Administration. In 1962 a government committee determined that fine art should be incorporated in the designs of new federal buildings, to enrich the surrounding communities. This initiative became the Art-in-Architecture Program, and LeWitt was chosen to design a sculpture for the plaza of the James M. Hanley Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Syracuse, New York. LeWitt presented this maquette of his proposed sculpture to the GSA's Design Review Panel in 1979. The final piece was constructed from painted aluminum and is twenty-nine feet long

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