AAC Demonstration Prototype
About the AAC
American Art Collaborative
Michael Arthur Worden Evans
Birth Location
Saint Louis
Death Location
Linked Data URI
View LOD
as Turtle
Objects at National Portrait Gallery (139)
Henry Salvatori
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
William Victor Roth
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Sandra Day O'Connor
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1982)
Don Regan
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Bob Dole
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
David Richmond Gergen
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Nancy Landon Kassebaum
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Donald Rumsfeld
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Walter Hubert Annenberg
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Lou Cannon
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Holmes Tuttle
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Daniel Boorstin
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Charles Violette and Calvin Marlin
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Yoshio Okawara
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Michael Deaver
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, 1986)
Gahl Lee Hodges
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Henry Kissinger
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Anthony Lee Coelho
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
William F. Buckley, Jr.
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Elizabeth Dole
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Richard Art Viguerie
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Katharine Graham
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Justin Whitlock Dart
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Richard Schultz Schweiker
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Elisabeth Bumiller
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Edgar Theodore Graber
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
George Frederick Will
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Benjamin Bradlee
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Robert Henry Michel
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Larry Alan Rubinstein
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Dan Daniel
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
George Bush
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
William Bennett
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Jeane Kirkpatrick
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Margaret M. Heckler
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Alexander Morgan Mason
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Joseph Lane Kirkland
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Cyrus Vance
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Lesley Stahl
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Edgar Theodore Graber
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Selwa Showker Roosevelt
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
James Kilpatrick
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Art Buchwald
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Margaret Debardeleben Tutwiler
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Gerald Ford
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Patrick Hayward Caddell
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Roger Lacey Stevens
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Vernon Walters
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Paul Dominique Laxalt
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
General John William Vessey
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
James Brady
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Ronald Reagan
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, 1980)
Sarah Newcomb McClendon
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Dan Rostenkowski
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Rowland Evans, Jr.
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Don Regan
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Warren Earl Burger
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Yoichi Robert Okamoto
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Harlon Bronson Carter
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Peter Barton Wilson
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Mark Odom Hatfield, Sr.
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
John Cornelius Stennis
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Charles Violette and Calvin Marlin
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Jennings Randolph
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Helen Thomas
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Paul Xavier Kelley
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Diana Dicken McLellan
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Stuart Krieg Spencer
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Joseph Coors, Sr.
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Robert Keith Gray
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Jack Valenti
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Marion Barry
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Paul Henry Nitze
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Maureen Louise Santini
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Alexander Haig
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Tip O'Neill
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1982)
William Madden Plante
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Terrel H. Bell
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
George Shultz
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Henry Hyde
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Hugh Swanson Sidey
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Timothy Stafford Healy
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Sir John Oliver Wright
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Rev. Walter Edward Fauntroy
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
David Alan Stockman
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Barbara Bush
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
George Stanley McGovern
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
William Casey
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
J. Carter Brown
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
William Warren Bradley
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
George Tames
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Roger Mudd
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Military Aides to President
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
William D. Ruckelshaus
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Caspar Weinberger
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
William Philip Gramm
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
John Scott Applewhite
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Andrew Lindsay Lewis
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
James Claude Wright
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Charles Harting Percy
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Sam Donaldson
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Malcolm Baldridge
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Roddey Earl Mims
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1982)
Francis Samuel Monaise Hodsoll
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
James Brady
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Mark Odom Hatfield, Jr.
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Howard Baker
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Charles Z. Wick
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Gary Francis Schuster
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Barry Goldwater
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Brent Scowcroft
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
William French Smith
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
S. Dillon Ripley
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Lyn Nofziger
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1982)
James Addison Baker, III
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Henry Martin Jackson
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1983)
Stanley Tretick
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
John Rusling Block
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Allan Ezra Gotlieb
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Sam Donaldson
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
William Patrick Clark
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Strom Thurmond
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Clarence McLane Pendleton, Jr.
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Helene A. Von Damm
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Michael Deaver
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Lesley Stahl
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Robert Carl McFarlane
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Kenneth Willard Dam
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Judy Carline Woodruff
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Jerome Robert Zipkin
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Ronald Reagan
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Mary Ellen Greenfield
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
John Danforth
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
John Goodwin Tower
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Joseph Kraft
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Paul Adolph Volcker
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Geraldine Ferraro
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Jack French Kemp
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)
Samuel Riley Pierce
(Michael Arthur Worden Evans, c. 1984)